Section 1. A Finance Committee composed of the Treasurer and four other members of the SCVT shall be appointed by the President promptly after each annual meeting. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to prepare a budget for the fiscal year beginning the first day of April, and to submit it to the SCVT at its annual meeting. The Finance Committee may from time to time submit amendments to the budget for the current fiscal year, which may be adopted by three-fourths vote of the Executive Board. These amendments shall be reported to the SCVT at its next regular meeting.
Section 2. An Audit Committee of three members, who are not officers, may be appointed by majority vote of the club at the pre-annual meeting to audit all accounts of the SCVT at the close of the fiscal year if club finds it to be necessary. This committee will present its report at the annual meeting in March.
Section 3. Other such committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the President as the SCVT or the Executive Board shall from time to time deem necessary to carry on the work of the SCVT. The chairpersons of such committees shall be appointed by the President. The President (or Presidential designate) shall be an ex officio member of all committees.
Section 4. Committees shall meet at times established by their chairpersons unless otherwise ordered by the SCVT. All minutes of committee meetings shall be maintained by the Secretary and posted in accordance with the policies of the SCVT.
Section 5. There shall be an Education Committee, consisting of all the active Instructors, the Dive Directors and the President. This committee shall be in charge of determining the need and schedules for classes, approving new instructors, and other tasks set forth in the club policies and procedures.
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 1990 Edition, shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and special rules of order the SCVT may adopt.
These bylaws may be amended by the procedure described in this section. The proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board for review and clarification. The Secretary shall inform the SCVT of receipt of proposed amendment at its next regular meeting. The amendment may be discussed at the meeting in which notice of receipt is given. If by majority vote the SCVT decides to pursue the proposed amendment, the amendment will be voted on at the next regular meeting of the SCVT following posting of the notice in accordance with Article X. At such meeting a two-thirds vote will be sufficient for adopting the amendment.
In cases requiring notification of the SCVT and its officers, adequate notice shall be deemed as given so long as either (in order of preference):
In addition, notice shall be posted on a bulletin board or web page designated for such purpose by the Executive Board by the Secretary at least three days prior to any meeting or event requiring notification of the SCVT or its officers.
A proxy allowing a voting member the power to vote for another member authorized to vote is hereby expressly allowed, provided:
In all cases where a proxy is used, except in cases of secret votes, the Secretary will record in the minutes who voted the proxy and for whom the proxy was voted and the vote. Under no circumstance shall one single person vote more than two proxies for a single motion and no member shall authorize more than two proxies for a meeting.
Section 1. A manual listing the policies and procedures of the SCVT will be maintained by the Secretary and be made available to members of the SCVT. All policies and procedures must be approved by the Executive Board or the SCVT.
Section 2. Committees of the SCVT may make recommendations for additions and changes to the polices and procedures. Specifically the policies and procedures manual shall include but not be limited to procedures for rental of SCVT equipment, policies for maintenance of SCVT equipment, list of nationally recognized SCUBA certifying agencies, criteria for excused and unexcused absences.
A two-thirds vote of the members of the SCVT present August 2018 will be required for adoption of these bylaws. These bylaws supersede any pre-existing constitution, bylaws or charters of the SCUBA Club at Virginia Tech (formerly known as the Virginia Tech SCUBA Club).
Section 1. The President is the official representative of the SCVT. The President shall oversee and approve all operations of the SCVT, and have final authority in the delegation of SCVT funds in so far as the President will be accountable and responsible to serve the needs of the SCVT, and the President shall preside at meetings of the SCVT and Executive Board, and perform other duties as assigned by the SCVT.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall be responsible for fund-raising and social activities, and shall perform other duties as assigned by the President. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall also assume the duties of the President.
Section 3. The Secretary is responsible for all non-financial records of the SCVT specifically the minutes of the SCVT meetings and committee reports, and to make the minutes available to officers and members of the SCVT in accordance with the policies and procedures of the SCVT. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Secretary shall call regular meetings of the SCVT to order until the immediate election of a President pro tern. Also, the Secretary, shall with the Treasurer, maintain the SCVT’s official membership roll, and shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 4. The Treasurer is responsible for accounting of all moneys of the SCVT, and for maintaining all financial records of the SCVT. The Treasurer shall with the Secretary maintain the SCVT’s official membership roll, and shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 5. The Dive Directors shall have primary responsibility for all dive related activities of the SCVT, including diver training, trips, equipment maintenance and rental, and contracting of instructors. The Dive Directors shall periodically review the policies and procedures of the SCVT to ensure safe and fair practices. Also, the Dive Directors shall act as liaisons between the SCVT and dive stores and instructors, and shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 6. The Webmaster shall be responsible for keeping information current and updated on the SCVT web page. This shall include, but not be limited to club photos, sale of classes, member associations state and club information, club meeting information, club officer listing and member listings.
Section 7. The Marketing Director will work in conjunction with the Vice-President and the Treasurer to organize advertising and fundraising events both to fund future club activities and events or for charitable contributions.
Section 8. The Gear officer(s) shall be responsible for maintaining the gear room and the gear inside of it. The gear officers will report to the Dive Director for set times to man the gear room and to assist in any club related activities including but not limited to classes, discover scubas and checking gear in and out for trips. Up to four gear officers may be elected with the option of a fifth as a substitute.
Section 1. In the event a vacancy arises because an officer of the SCVT or a member of its committees or boards is unable to complete their term, the President shall appoint a replacement for the vacant position either permanently for the remainder of the term or temporarily for a period not to exceed 3 months. The appointee shall thereafter serve in all respects as officer or committee member being replaced.
Section 2. The SCVT shall approve the appointment of replacement officers by a simple majority vote at the next regular meeting of the SCVT.
Section 3. In the event that the President is unable to fulfill the duties of the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in addition to the duties of Vice-President. The Vice-President shall act in all respects as the President until confirmed by the SCVT by a simple majority vote at its next regular meeting.
Section 4. If the SCVT does not approve the appointments of the President (or when the SCVT does not confirm the Vice-President to the office of President) notice of vacancy in a office shall be posted in accordance with Article X of the Bylaws. Nominations of eligible persons shall be permitted for the vacant position immediately and such persons nominated-shall-be listed-on-the notice of vacancy. The SCVT shall elect person or persons to fill vacancies for officers in the manner determined by the Bylaws at its next regular meeting.
Section 5. Members of the SCVT, particularly those serving as officers of the SCVT, may be disciplined by the SCVT. Disciplinary measures include but are not limited to removal from committee assignments, impeachment from office, censure, or expulsion. The disciplinary measures and under what circumstances such measures shall be applied shall be noted in the policies and procedures manual of the SCVT. The section of the policies and procedures manual dealing with disciplinary procedures may only be amended by the procedures detailed for amending the bylaws.
Section 6. The Executive Board shall investigate charges against members. Specific charges must be presented in writing to the Secretary with the dated signatures from two general members (including active, inactive or honorary members but excluding contractual or temporary members) of the SCVT. The Executive Board shall promptly investigate the merit of the charges. It shall by simple majority vote decide whether to pursue an investigation.
Section 7. In the event, that a member or members of the Executive Board are charged, notice of a meeting to select an investigations committee shall be given in accordance with Article X. At this meeting, the SCVT shall charge an investigation committee which shall be composed of no more than five members and no less than three active members. The members presenting charges and the officers charged shall not be members of this committee.
(Added by Amendment #2 to the SCVT Bylaws)
Section 1. The endorsements of both the President and Secretary, when authorized by the Executive Board or the SCVT, shall be sufficient to enter the SCVT into contracts and to terminate such contracts.
Section 2. Prior to committing the SCVT into a contract, the President or Secretary shall announce the proposed contract by at least one of the following methods listed:
Section 3. The endorsements of both the President and the Treasurer, when duly authorized by the Executive Board or the SCVT, shall be sufficient to withdraw funds from any account, fund or portfolio of the SCVT. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer shall establish policies and procedures for safeguarding the financial interests of the SCVT. They shall ensure these policies are adhered to by the SCVT and its officers and that they are periodically reviewed. (Added by Amendment #3 to the SCVT Bylaws)